What does it mean to have Your Effortless Business

Your Effortless Business works for you. It supports you in living the life you want. It supports the people around you.

Your Effortless Business feels easy. Why wouldn’t it? You have figured out what everyone needs, including you, and you make sure everyone has it. You strip away what doesn’t serve you.

It’s the name of the book I wrote after shutting down my bookkeeping business. I got to dive deeply into 100’s of small businesses and I saw what works and what doesn’t. 

One of the common traits of thriving business owners is that they are relentless in only putting energy into what gives them results. It means they know what outcomes they want and what results lead to those outcomes.

We work with you to clarify and focus your efforts; strip away what isn’t serving you; automate what’s left; delegate to your team to grow their capacity; and create feedback loops for continual progress.

We love working with business owners like you because we know you will save this world and we know we can help you do it.

Listen to successful business owners and they all tell an unconventional story. They talk about focusing on people, listening and making their business about giving people what they want. They talk about trying new things until they get it right. They talk about building systems from the ground up.

When you work with us, we help you lean into doing things your way. You learn more about how other successful small business owners have done it and are doing it. What you get with us is real advice from real entrepreneurs. Ask about your current challenge and you will hear from people who can tell you from experience what to expect when you try different things.

How we Help You Make Your Effortless Business

What we do

You want to live the life of your dreams and we want to help you make your business work better for you so you can .

Between hustle culture, management ‘science’, always-on social media, “the customer is always right” and work ethic culture thinking, no wonder we feel like we must work constantly. 

We are told how hard we have to work and all the things we have to do. Most of the advice for business is for big business and it’s about how to make big business act like a small business. Ironic, huh? We are already close to our customers, unsilo-ed in our work and have flat management. 

We are told how to talk to the masses to get their attention, but we already have the attention of our customers and we can talk to them directly. We get qualitative rather than quantitative data – we get quality answers so we don’t need as many of them.

We are told that we won’t know what is giving us results, so we have to do it all. That’s not true, the signals are there if you know how to look.

We help you 

  • Focus only on what is important and gives you the results you are looking for
  • Eliminate what isn’t serving you
  • Automate using easy tools
  • Delegate and build your team to support you
  • Lock it all in with systems and feedback loops for long-term, continual, incremental improvements

Our Process

We dive deeply into what delights you, your customers and your team so you can focus on that

We look into what’s working and build on it

We help you decide what will give you the highest return on your attention

We build systems based on your existing processes, software and culture

We continually check in to make sure it is working the way we want and we make adjustments as required


Your Effortless Business is already there, it’s buried deep under outside expectations, uncertainty and patchwork fixes. 

We work from the Small Business Operating Systems playbook. We help you focus your resources on delighting you, your customers and your team.

You know what you want, but it gets lost in the day to day. We help you put it front and centre again.

We eliminate the 80% that is only giving you 20% of your results. That leaves you room to improve that 20% that is now giving you 100% of your results and those results will now increase because your focus is in the right place.

Most people aren’t getting the full benefit of the software they are using. We will make sure you are and add in any little bits that leverage what you already have.

This isn’t about shrinking your team, but growing their capacity and size, if that makes sense. Delegation is an art and we’re pretty good at it.

We work with you to put it all into play, smooth out any bumps, and to set up feedback loops so you catch any problems and opportunities as soon as they show up.

No one has all the answers, but we are talking to the 1000s of people in our network to find out what is working now. We share these learnings with you.

All the research we have done about how small business owners actually do it (not how professionals say they do it) is even more valid now. Successful entrepreneurs are resilient, creative and willing to experiment. These are skills you need now more than ever. We show you how.

You get the advantages of our experience working with 1000s of small business owners.

Thank you for your support, encouragement and enthusiasm. It was just what I needed – Debbie

What if Small Business Were Effortless?

What if everything in your business happened the way it should?

What if it didn’t all depend on you?

What if you spent your time focused on what you do best and you had a great team that looked after the rest?

What if you had all you needed, when you needed it, for your business to bring the best to your team and your customers?

What if you were never stuck not knowing the best way forward? What if you could get answers to all your questions? As you needed them?

The most successful business owners, focus on the people in their business – their owners, customers and team. This is a fundamentally different way of coming at your business.

I am even more confident with the direction I’m heading in. I’ve met some new friends which I’m grateful for and I had a great week. – Liz

You and Me Working Together

Working with me

Book a 30 minute exploration with me to see if it makes sense for us to work together.

We work project based. We choose one aspect of your business to fix and fix it. We can choose to work on the next whenever you are ready to do it again.

For a more DIY approach, we have our online community.

Who You Are

You are a small business owner who is the leader and maybe the manager of your business. 

Your customers are happy and your pipeline is flowing. It may or may not be full, yet. It’s not always about marketing. Many times it’s more about having the space to give your customers more attention and that’s what fills your pipeline. We can give you that space.

You have team members and you want to make their experience better while making your life easier.

You feel you have reached a plateau.

You are putting more of yourself into your business than you want.

You have other plans for your life in addition to your business

It feels like working harder isn’t giving you more results. 

What you really need, is to have your questions answered as they come up. You need a source of reliable, field-tested, business information. Just-in-time, not just-in-case learning.

Why me?

I grew my bookkeeping business for 15 years which gave me a front row seat into what works and what doesn’t. I saw business owners who thrived and those who struggled. I learned what makes business effortless so I wrote the book. Then I designed a small business operating system that shows you where to focus your energy and your resources. Then I uncovered the 6 stages to growing your business from first inlkling to well-oiled machine. IT doesn’t happen all at once, there is a particular order to work on everything.

I have been a construction manager running multi-million dollar projects. I learned how to get things done on time and on budget through leadership and management. 

I raised 4 kids and everything I learned about delegation, I learned from them. This was way harder than managing construction projects.

My neurodivergence manifests with having to know why. Why do we do things that way? Why do we build Towns where we do? Why do people do that? Why is that there? Why do some businesses succeed and others struggle? Why would you do that in your business when this gives you a better result?

I’m hired by National Organiations and Universities to teach and mentor their entrepreneurs. I know how to transfer knowledge. I’m best with small groups so we can get very practical, tactical and actionable. I start by clarifying the situation and understanding the desired outcome. I talk through how to think about the situation. Then we get into how to solve the situation. Finally we explore potential pitfalls, problems and opportunities.

I’m living the digital slowmad life. My kids are grown and I’m traveling the world. I don’t want to spend my whole days in my airbnb. I have learned how to focus my energies so I can explore wherever I am and live my version of my best life. I want the same for you – whatever that looks like for you. 

We have a well-trodden path for you to follow. It’s based on years of research about what successful business owners actually do. Not what academics say you should do. It may look and sound unconventional, but when everyone is taking the road-less-traveled, is it anymore?

You have given me so much great advice and exactly what I need to move ahead. Thank you – Facianne